PJ Laha

Current Exhibition &​ UPDATES


Shape design element

CONtact: ​pjart28@gmail.com


I explore and study the abstract visual mystery of physical ​sciences that overlaps with the real-world existential ​struggle of life (hunger, life and denial of the basics). I am ​engaged in the conceptual derivation of material science ​through the visual symbolism of art. My narrative quotes ​act as an observation that depicts the fundamental basics ​of love, desire & existence – the quest of who we are and ​why are we here? I am interested to find the origin from ​the infinite, the projected reverse to the gravity, working ​opposite to the driving force that dictates how we should ​exist. Functional complexities and the existential basics are ​expressed through the substrates used in my art where all ​objects are put together from rejected, used or thrown ​away materials which is considered ugly, trash or ​something to be useless in our societal classification of ​sophistication. Color and tone modify the physical ​presentation to an extent keeping the core to its rustic-​primordial form that makes the composition symbolic. My ​work is a metaphysical example of an energy outburst in a ​compressed space and time with various elements ​representing the triumph of good over evil.

Mixed ​Media ​on ​Found ​Objects

Layered Works


Dimensions:18​"X 28"

Concept: Survivalis​m

Year: 2024​


Dimensions: 40" X 80" X 24"​

Concept: Life & Existence

Year: 20​20


Dimensions: 22' X ​30"

Concept: Friction & F​raction

Year: 2024​

ti​ed to the thread

Dimensions: 60" X 1​20" X 24"

Concept: Lineage

Year: 2015​


PJ Laha is a self taught artist working metaphysically with the ​idea of physics and mathematics through arts. The transition of ​the interdisciplinary expression covering science and art ​occurred through a period of involvement in figurative ​expression and study of abstract fragmentation in art. Laha has ​shown his work in India, Limassol (Neme Contemporary Arts ​Center, Cyprus), New York and Los Angeles. He has garnered ​several national and International-level awards, including one ​from the president and the vice president of India in fine art. He ​has been instructor of fine arts in a joint project with Museum of ​Fine Arts (Houston) and City of Houston (1996), has lectured at ​Rice University (2003) and has taken part in various art and ​humanities symposia. Laha is a member of American Arts and ​Science Collaboration, New York Artists Equity (selected) & ​International Association of Word and Image Studies. Laha has ​been invited to present lectures at NorSIS Conference (Vaxjo ​University, Sweden), Art and Humanities Conference (Carthage ​University, Tunisia), Art in Societies (Scotland), Humanities and ​Arts (Hawaii, US) among others.


Site specific & Thematic Installations using Mixed Med​ia on Found Object​s.


